Monday, May 4, 2009

10 Things to do before I die

1. Spend time in exploring and conserving natural treasures of the Western Ghats and Himalayas

2. Learn Swahili and spend couple of years in East Africa

3. Take a road trip from Manali to Leh through all the high altitude lakes

4. Spend a month meditating in a Buddhist Monastery

5. See and photograph spring in a desert (after rains most arid regions burst into blossoms)

6. Learn wave surfing

7. Make a wildlife documentary film

8. Learn sculpting

9. Scuba dive with wild dolphins and take underwater shots of waves crashing above.

10. See and photograph the mid night sun and aurora in Iceland

Flight to reality-

1 and 2 in progress.


  1. From the things you will try your best
    I have many in common, I havent thought of the iceland though,

    I have achieved a few, like the marathon, the scuba dive visit some important parts of ganga

    I badly want to leasrn sculpting,

  2. came 2 see your blog lil late..but can see 90% of my wishlst is same...:)
